janka ratings
What is the Janka Test?
Invented in 1906 by Gabriel Janka, the Janka Test is a test used on timber flooring to determine the “hardness” of the timber. If the timber is soft, it will have a low Janka Rating. If it is hard, it will have a high Janka Rating.
How does it work?
A machine presses a steel ball into the timber, the pressure being applied to the timber is increased until the steel ball has half of its diameter embedded into the timber. The KiloNewton (kN) force used to reach this goal is the timber’s Janka Score. The Janka Score then translates over to whether the timber is either:
Why do we test for hardness?
The hardness of the timber is a contributing factor for some when installing a new floor. Harder timber protects against wear in ways such as:
Heavy foot traffic resulting in a worn pathway on the floor
Careless moving furniture leaving drag marks
Chair legs that provides a very small load bearing area and pushes into the floor
Stiletto heels which can cause a great deal of damage to all types of flooring, even very hard species
Do I have to buy a harder timber floor?
No, not at all. Even though harder floors provide more protection from damage to your floor, the colour, natural look and enduring beauty for you and your family is more important. Even if there is damage over time, your timber floor can be sanded and polished multiple times over its lifetime, essentially renewing your floors back to its original beauty.
Are there other ways to prevent scratches and dents to my hardwood floors?
Other than prevention and maybe applying a coating to your floor, your hardwood floor will wear over time. But it can be slowed down with proper care and maintenance.
Visit the ATFA (Australian Timber Flooring Association) for what to expect out of your timber floor and how to look after it, types of coatings and much more useful information!